
也許你就是那種收看YouTube 好玩的影片來找樂子的人,假如真是如斯,也許翻譯公司


1.          In January 2005翻譯社 at a dinner party in San Francisco, three young men were chatting about how to share homemade videos online.

2.          The three men developed a new website in a garage. They called it YouTube. It is a place where anyone can show videos and films that they have made themselves. Word about the  site quickly spread.

3.          YouTube grew very quickly. All kinds of video clips were uploaded. People put up videos  taken on cell phones of amusing behavior on the streets翻譯社 on buses, and in other places. There were discussions about the videos in newspapers and on TV.

4.          In 2006, the three men sold YouTube to Google. It has continued to grow, and now attracts many advertisers.

5.          At first, YouTube was just a hobby for its users. Now, many people make a living through it.  They become partners and receive a share of the advertising revenue.

應該斟酌製作或上傳你本身的器材。搞不好你會釀成YouTube 一夕爆紅的人物,並且你也可能會賺到一些錢。


YouTube 成長的如斯之快,乃至於在短短不到兩年的時候,天天有超過一億部影片在這個網站被觀看。各式各樣的短片上傳到網站,範圍從音樂、喜劇到想要自我行銷者的短片都有。有時候人們會用手機拍街上希奇或有趣行為並上傳網站翻譯一個初期全球出名的例子是「巴士大叔」的影片,該片顯現香港的公車上兩名乘客高聲爭吵的內容。這段影片在報紙及電視上引發強烈熱鬧的討論翻譯

The video-sharing website YouTube is one of the Internet’s greatest success stories.


