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Many Gifts, One Purpose
玉米,又稱作玉蜀黍,是我故鄉墨西哥主要的食糧作物。玉米的種類繁多,有黃色、棕色、紅色或黑色,乃至還有斑斓的混色玉米。但是住在都市裡的人多半不吃混色玉米翻譯身兼餐廳老闆和研究人員的阿瑪多·拉米瑞茲(Amado Ramírez)透露表現,這是因為民眾認為單一色彩代表品質好。但事實上,混色玉米的味道極佳,並且還可做成很是美味的墨西哥玉米餅。
As we embrace our diversity翻譯社 may we also make every effort to keep our unity in faith and purpose. Yes, we have different abilities and backgrounds. We speak different languages and come from different countries. But we have the same wonderful God翻譯社 the Creator who delights in so much variety.
We need one another in order to be what God wants us to be.
Romans 12:6–8 and 1 Corinthians 12 provide important instruction about spiritual gifts: All Christians have been given gifts; all gifts have different but equally important functions; all are from God; and all are to be used to build up others in the church. We have no reason to boast about our gifts because they are products of God’s grace. “In Christ we, though many翻譯社 form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts翻譯社 according to the grace given to each of us” (Romans 12:5–6).
How can you use your gifts to promote unity?
Father, may we make every effort to be one, respecting and valuing each other and our various gifts and talents.
1. https://tw.voicetube.com/ (看影片學英文)
2.【英語教室】 每日說英文
3.【屬靈爭戰】 異夢與異象 (屬靈設備)
4.【經典故事】青年聖經講座 - 但以理書(八)70個7 陳希曾博士主講
5. 《靈命日糧-網路廣播odb.org》點選日期,點開網路廣播: 或選其他說話英文 或 中文 Traditional-odb.org (請點擊進入連結)
6‧ 英文經文廣播Biblegateway.com: 用滑鼠點 Read: 選英王欽定版(King James Version)(用滑鼠點貫穿連接翻譯社收聽請 按喇叭符號)
8. 【 內在生涯 】 內涵糊口 第一章 淩晨的光陰 慕安得烈作 劉秀慧牧師譯
9. https://traditional-odb.org/2018/07/08/同有一主/
Just as a body, though one翻譯社 has many parts, but all its many parts form one body翻譯社 so it is with Christ.1 Corinthians 12:12
Corn, also called maize, is the staple food in my home country of Mexico. There are so many different types. You can find yellow, brown, red, and black cobs, even ones with a wonderful spotted pattern. But people in the cities usually won’t eat the spotted cobs. Restaurateur and researcher Amado Ramírez explains that they believe uniformity is a synonym of quality. Yet the spotted cobs taste good, and they make excellent tortillas.
The church of Christ is much more similar to a spotted ear of corn than to a cob of just one color. The apostle Paul used the imagery of a body to describe the church, because even though we are all one body, and we have the same God, each of us has been given a different gift. As Paul said翻譯社 “There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working翻譯社 but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work” (1 Corinthians 12:5–6). Our diversity in the ways we help each other shows God’s generosity and creativity.