To: DAOF E. 在無揭穿方的事先許可下,不得以任何體例,對於該資訊,或其任何部分,擅自進行解譯、拆解、或進行反向工程,也不得促使或許可他人,進行此功課或意圖進行此作業翻譯 C. Will not disclose any part of the Information to any employees other than those with a need to know the Information to accomplish the purpose set out in Exhibit B.
Each party agrees to use the same standard of care with respect to its obligations in A-E that it uses with respect to its own proprietary and confidential information翻譯社 but in no event less than that of a reasonable care.
D. Will not copy or reproduce, in any manner, any part of the Information for the purpose other than the Discussions, without the permission of the Discloser.
D. 在無揭露方的事前許可下,不得以任何體式格局,拷貝或複製該資訊的任何內容,進行非關作業接洽的資訊利用翻譯 B. Will not use any part of the Information for any purpose other than that set out in Exhibit B.
1 屬本合約劃定資訊的揭穿者,係稱為本合約的「揭露方」翻譯屬本合約劃定資訊的領受者,係稱為本合約的「接收方」。本合約雙方,在此贊成且聲明,本合約相幹的機密和專利權資訊的揭穿方,可以為口頭、視覺、書面或其他的有形性質,在貿易上,對於秘要和專利權資訊的揭露方行為,包羅但不限於以下的資訊型態,或其他雷同的資訊性質(不管是否為書面記載者):天然定律的發現、創意構思、發明、觀念、任何或所有開辟階段的軟體、設計、產品規格、手藝、產品原型、設計圖、資料、原始碼、物件碼、資材清單、程式計劃清單、文件、圖面資料、流程圖、研究內容、開辟事項、加工、功課法式、配方公式、貿易機密、產品道理、行銷手藝和文件內容、市場闡明資料、資訊和開發規劃、貿易企圖和策略、客戶名單、計劃名稱、和其他客戶相幹的資訊、供給商清單、價格表、報價策略及其他的專利權(資訊) 。所謂的資訊內容,係包羅正在進行、或已進行,以及可能進行的內容討論,其相關的狀況、用語和事實,和後續所屬的相關的事項。 2 資訊揭穿的內容,悉如以下附件A的內容,而附件A的內容,得隨時根據需要,到場內容形同本合約的內容。本合約各方在此贊成,對於揭穿方供應的資訊,係僅為附件B的目的而使用,而附件B的內容,得隨時根據需要,到場內容形同本合約的內容。 3 本合約兩邊在此同意且聲明,揭穿方供應的資訊,係為其所獨有的有價資產。, 本合約雙方在此同意,自本合約的相對方揭穿附件A劃定的資訊開始,於3年的時代內:
E. Will not modify any part of the Information in any way, or decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Information or any part thereof, or attempt to do any of the foregoing翻譯社 without the prior written consent of Discloser, nor shall it cause or allow anyone else to do so or to attempt to do so.
C. 除非公司員工係屬,根據附件B規定的目標,必須了解該資訊內容者,不然不得私自供給給任何無關功課的員工。
A. 在無揭穿方事前的書面同意下,不得私行揭穿該資訊予任何的第三方。
A. Will not disclose any part of the Information to any third party without the Discloser’s prior written consent. B. 不得將揭穿方提供的任何資訊,以任何非附件B劃定的目標,擅用該資訊內容。 1. A party disclosing Information hereunder is referred to as the “Discloser”. A party receiving Information hereunder is referred to as the “Recipient”. Each party acknowledges and agrees that the other is disclosing certain information which may be in oral翻譯社 visual, written or other tangible form which by its nature commercially deems proprietary and/or confidential, including翻譯社 but not limited to, the following types of information and other information of a similar nature (whether or not reduced to writing): discoveries, ideas, inventions, concepts, software in any and all states of development翻譯社 designs, drawings, product specifications, techniques翻譯社 compilations, methods翻譯社 models, prototype, schematics, data, source code, object code, source listings翻譯社 program listings, documentation翻譯社 diagrams, flow charts翻譯社 research, development翻譯社 processes, procedures, formulae翻譯社 trade secrets, know-how, marketing techniques and materials翻譯社 market analyses, information and development plans, business plans and strategies, customer names翻譯社 project names and other information related to customers, supplier lists, price lists翻譯社 pricing policies and other proprietary rights(Information). Information shall include the fact that the Discussions are taking or have taken or may take place, the status thereof and all terms翻譯社 conditions and facts relating to, or arising from翻譯社 the Discussions. 2. Information disclosed hereunder is described in Exhibit A, and additional Exhibits A that may be attached hereto from time to time as parts of this Agreement. Each party agrees that it shall only use a Discloser’s Information for the purposes described in Exhibit B, and additional Exhibits B which may be attached hereto from time to time as parts of this Agreement. 3. Each party acknowledges and agrees that Information is a valuable, special and unique asset of the Discloser. Accordingly翻譯社 each party agrees that for a period of three (3) years from the date of disclosure by the other party of a particular item set out on Exhibit A that it: