


E. 在無揭穿方的事先許可下,不得以任何體例,對於該資訊,或其任何部分,擅自進行解譯、拆解、或進行反向工程,也不得促使或許可他人,進行此功課或意圖進行此作業翻譯

C. Will not disclose any part of the Information to any employees other than those with a need to know the Information to accomplish the purpose set out in Exhibit B.

Each party agrees to use the same standard of care with respect to its obligations in A-E that it uses with respect to its own proprietary and confidential information翻譯社 but in no event less than that of a reasonable care.


D. Will not copy or reproduce, in any manner, any part of the Information for the purpose other than the Discussions, without the permission of the Discloser.



D. 在無揭露方的事前許可下,不得以任何體式格局,拷貝或複製該資訊的任何內容,進行非關作業接洽的資訊利用翻譯